Jushiro Izanagi
A simple invitation and offering would normally require a simple answer. In this instance, the Captain of the tenth was left pleasantly surprised by Captain Date’s words. It was enough to stop Izanagi in his tracks, now facing Date’s position with his head cocked to the right. The mask generated a fox grin, showing off his menacing disposition behind the mask. Not long after, the fox grin was replaced by a few words coming in and out of focus. They simply read ‘Cunt Alert’ while moving across the surface of the mask. On hearing Kazuki’s response which followed after Captain Date’s. The masked one chimed in with a casual but damning response.
“So you’re a cunt? I’m fine with that”.
Captain Jushiro would speak no more on the subject of tea, not until later at the very least. Captain Date’s scathing remarks were enough to make him think twice about the kind of beverage he would offer next time round.
Both captains were now sizing each other up, their thoughts conjuring different things, but will no doubt arrive at the same conclusion. Izanagi straightened his head, still seemingly relaxed but ready to move. Now though, the mask was blank, no words, no pictures, just a blackness. The reiatsu oozing from Captain Date’s Zanpakuto was a curious thing. Oftentimes when such a thing happens, it would suggest that a battle was about to take place. If not, then there was a longing for it. Whatever the case, Captain Jushiro was curious to see what would come of it. The mention of these men being mere cogs didn’t offend Izanagi in the slightest. He found amusement in Captain Date’s words, likewise his interest in the eleventh division captain grew.
It still begs the question though, what’s the purpose of Captain Date’s visit. Izanagi eagerly awaits an answer either through words or actions. He was quiet for now but observant all the same. Date’s demeanour shifted in a sense upon revealing his eyes to the two men before him. Maybe it was time to get a little more serious? In the meantime, Kazuki seemed on edge with his own Reiatsu manifesting itself in different ways. Izanagi and Kazuki’s personalities differed in more ways than one. One was regimented while the other was more or less carefree at times. However, when it really matters both are always on the same page. Both parties listened to Captain Date’s words as the man revealed part of his agenda. Ever since Izanagi and Kazuki had that fateful encounter with the Arrancar.
The masked one, along with the rest of the tenth division, was concerned by what could happen. Izanagi remembers giving a debrief to central 46 and even suggested a few things. Whether or not they listened was another story. Time went by and yes it was oddly quiet when it came to the hollows. This is exactly why the tenth division was hard at work making preparation and following up on any and all leads. Despite the difference in their ideologies and ethics, Captain Izanagi and Captain Date wanted the same thing. The survival of the Soul Society. In the meantime, like moths to a flame did they appear. Izanagi took note of the new and unfamiliar arrivals on the scene. Their presence was duly noted but at this moment in time, they remained on the fringes. It was best they remained where they were since Captain Date’s actions had changed the whole complexion of the meeting.
“Not unexpected” he thought to himself as the man drew his Zanpakuto. Listening to Kazuki’s attempt at a deterrence, Izanagi sighed and followed up by drawing his own Zanpakuto.
“Kazuki, as long as you’re my Lieutenant, you never back down from a challenge. This was inevitable. Besides, how often would you get an opportunity like this?”.
He said with a hint of excitement in his voice. And as if on queue the strangers decided to play their part also. A barrier was erected which was the most curious thing. “No clue if this was your doing but no matter”. Izanagi could not be certain that Captain Date didn’t have a hand in all that had transpired. And at the same time, it was unwise to make any baseless accusations. If Captain Date had nothing to do with it, then whoever that person is, they were playing with fire. Captain Jushiro was more concerned with the man that stood before them. Once blades were drawn, diplomacy was almost out the window. Captains shouldn’t draw their blades if they have no intention of using it.
“Ladies first”.
The man said while gesturing for Captain Date to make the first move.
“So you’re a cunt? I’m fine with that”.
Captain Jushiro would speak no more on the subject of tea, not until later at the very least. Captain Date’s scathing remarks were enough to make him think twice about the kind of beverage he would offer next time round.
Both captains were now sizing each other up, their thoughts conjuring different things, but will no doubt arrive at the same conclusion. Izanagi straightened his head, still seemingly relaxed but ready to move. Now though, the mask was blank, no words, no pictures, just a blackness. The reiatsu oozing from Captain Date’s Zanpakuto was a curious thing. Oftentimes when such a thing happens, it would suggest that a battle was about to take place. If not, then there was a longing for it. Whatever the case, Captain Jushiro was curious to see what would come of it. The mention of these men being mere cogs didn’t offend Izanagi in the slightest. He found amusement in Captain Date’s words, likewise his interest in the eleventh division captain grew.
It still begs the question though, what’s the purpose of Captain Date’s visit. Izanagi eagerly awaits an answer either through words or actions. He was quiet for now but observant all the same. Date’s demeanour shifted in a sense upon revealing his eyes to the two men before him. Maybe it was time to get a little more serious? In the meantime, Kazuki seemed on edge with his own Reiatsu manifesting itself in different ways. Izanagi and Kazuki’s personalities differed in more ways than one. One was regimented while the other was more or less carefree at times. However, when it really matters both are always on the same page. Both parties listened to Captain Date’s words as the man revealed part of his agenda. Ever since Izanagi and Kazuki had that fateful encounter with the Arrancar.
The masked one, along with the rest of the tenth division, was concerned by what could happen. Izanagi remembers giving a debrief to central 46 and even suggested a few things. Whether or not they listened was another story. Time went by and yes it was oddly quiet when it came to the hollows. This is exactly why the tenth division was hard at work making preparation and following up on any and all leads. Despite the difference in their ideologies and ethics, Captain Izanagi and Captain Date wanted the same thing. The survival of the Soul Society. In the meantime, like moths to a flame did they appear. Izanagi took note of the new and unfamiliar arrivals on the scene. Their presence was duly noted but at this moment in time, they remained on the fringes. It was best they remained where they were since Captain Date’s actions had changed the whole complexion of the meeting.
“Not unexpected” he thought to himself as the man drew his Zanpakuto. Listening to Kazuki’s attempt at a deterrence, Izanagi sighed and followed up by drawing his own Zanpakuto.
“Kazuki, as long as you’re my Lieutenant, you never back down from a challenge. This was inevitable. Besides, how often would you get an opportunity like this?”.
He said with a hint of excitement in his voice. And as if on queue the strangers decided to play their part also. A barrier was erected which was the most curious thing. “No clue if this was your doing but no matter”. Izanagi could not be certain that Captain Date didn’t have a hand in all that had transpired. And at the same time, it was unwise to make any baseless accusations. If Captain Date had nothing to do with it, then whoever that person is, they were playing with fire. Captain Jushiro was more concerned with the man that stood before them. Once blades were drawn, diplomacy was almost out the window. Captains shouldn’t draw their blades if they have no intention of using it.
“Ladies first”.
The man said while gesturing for Captain Date to make the first move.