Southwest Seireitei

A simple invitation and offering would normally require a simple answer. In this instance, the Captain of the tenth was left pleasantly surprised by Captain Date’s words. It was enough to stop Izanagi in his tracks, now facing Date’s position with his head cocked to the right. The mask generated a fox grin, showing off his menacing disposition behind the mask. Not long after, the fox grin was replaced by a few words coming in and out of focus. They simply read ‘Cunt Alert’ while moving across the surface of the mask. On hearing Kazuki’s response which followed after Captain Date’s. The masked one chimed in with a casual but damning response.

“So you’re a cunt? I’m fine with that”.

Captain Jushiro would speak no more on the subject of tea, not until later at the very least. Captain Date’s scathing remarks were enough to make him think twice about the kind of beverage he would offer next time round.

Both captains were now sizing each other up, their thoughts conjuring different things, but will no doubt arrive at the same conclusion. Izanagi straightened his head, still seemingly relaxed but ready to move. Now though, the mask was blank, no words, no pictures, just a blackness. The reiatsu oozing from Captain Date’s Zanpakuto was a curious thing. Oftentimes when such a thing happens, it would suggest that a battle was about to take place. If not, then there was a longing for it. Whatever the case, Captain Jushiro was curious to see what would come of it. The mention of these men being mere cogs didn’t offend Izanagi in the slightest. He found amusement in Captain Date’s words, likewise his interest in the eleventh division captain grew.

It still begs the question though, what’s the purpose of Captain Date’s visit. Izanagi eagerly awaits an answer either through words or actions. He was quiet for now but observant all the same. Date’s demeanour shifted in a sense upon revealing his eyes to the two men before him. Maybe it was time to get a little more serious? In the meantime, Kazuki seemed on edge with his own Reiatsu manifesting itself in different ways. Izanagi and Kazuki’s personalities differed in more ways than one. One was regimented while the other was more or less carefree at times. However, when it really matters both are always on the same page. Both parties listened to Captain Date’s words as the man revealed part of his agenda. Ever since Izanagi and Kazuki had that fateful encounter with the Arrancar.

The masked one, along with the rest of the tenth division, was concerned by what could happen. Izanagi remembers giving a debrief to central 46 and even suggested a few things. Whether or not they listened was another story. Time went by and yes it was oddly quiet when it came to the hollows. This is exactly why the tenth division was hard at work making preparation and following up on any and all leads. Despite the difference in their ideologies and ethics, Captain Izanagi and Captain Date wanted the same thing. The survival of the Soul Society. In the meantime, like moths to a flame did they appear. Izanagi took note of the new and unfamiliar arrivals on the scene. Their presence was duly noted but at this moment in time, they remained on the fringes. It was best they remained where they were since Captain Date’s actions had changed the whole complexion of the meeting.

“Not unexpected” he thought to himself as the man drew his Zanpakuto. Listening to Kazuki’s attempt at a deterrence, Izanagi sighed and followed up by drawing his own Zanpakuto.

“Kazuki, as long as you’re my Lieutenant, you never back down from a challenge. This was inevitable. Besides, how often would you get an opportunity like this?”.

He said with a hint of excitement in his voice. And as if on queue the strangers decided to play their part also. A barrier was erected which was the most curious thing. “No clue if this was your doing but no matter”. Izanagi could not be certain that Captain Date didn’t have a hand in all that had transpired. And at the same time, it was unwise to make any baseless accusations. If Captain Date had nothing to do with it, then whoever that person is, they were playing with fire. Captain Jushiro was more concerned with the man that stood before them. Once blades were drawn, diplomacy was almost out the window. Captains shouldn’t draw their blades if they have no intention of using it.

“Ladies first”.

The man said while gesturing for Captain Date to make the first move.


Staff member

Taro lets out a small chuckle as he takes a traditional Kendo stance with his blade. He continues to smile, his eyes never opening to look at the two men speaking to him. He doesn’t get upset, almost as if he expected them to react this way to his words. Kurogane on the other hand is a different case, protective as she is with Taro she took offense to the words in his place. He inhales softly before making his response.

”How quaint and cute, you know how to repeat the words and insults you’ve heard from another. And like a toddler you have no idea what it is you are repeating, just spouting back words without a single thought going through your rotted brain to learn. I have no interest in fighting Rukongai scum. What you call fighting I call flailing. It is Kurogane who wishes to meet your Zanpakuto, it is a quarrel between them, not us. Learn the difference.”

He starts to walk forward, listening to Captain Izanagi speak to him, he shakes his head in response to the barrier that was almost formed around them. It seemed to be stopped thanks to the actions of someone from Kido Corps. Barrier or not Taro was not very concerned with it as it was wholly unnecessary to create a barrier for something as trivial as what is about to take place. The two men before him seem on edge as if they expect a full on fight between them, no Taro would not waste his Reiatsu or Reiryoku on something like this.

”Crossing blades, Zanpakuto against Zanpakuto. No Shikai, no Reiatsu from us. Just let the blades clash against one another, do not aim for the wielder.”

He stands, idle, sensing what is going on beyond him, the spectators. The arrival of his Lieutenant is welcomed and expected, however the other two are not. Getting a handle on the situation tells him that the teal Reiatsu is there on business, namely for the one who attempted to create the barrier. All he can “see” are the colors of their Reiatsu since he is not actually looking at them. But again, with his Lieutenant there he has nothing to be concerned about in the slightest.

”How cruel you must be to your Zanpakuto to not follow through on their whims and wishes. To deny them so often of the things they want, to not listen to them. I would expect nothing less of cogs not born under the proper governance of the Seireitei. Now, Cog Captain, it seems your Lieutenant would rather talk than act, a foolish notion, one that will cost him his life one day.”

Taro makes his move, raising his blade above his head to attack with a traditional Kendo strike. Being well versed in Zanjutsu himself Captain Izanagi should be able to tell that Taro is not aiming for him, furthermore he should be able to tell that he is not the one guiding his blade. No, Kurogane guides herself towards Kisshouten. Should the two Zanpakuto clash, sparks would fly as the blades share a conversation unheard by the two Captain’s. The two Captains are reduced to tools, vessels to guide and direct their Zanpakuto towards one another. This feeling is not new to Taro but it may be new to Jushiro. In a sense it's as if the roles of Shinigami and Zanpakuto have been reversed at this moment. Captain Date’s mind is removed from this clash as he ponders other things that need to be done on this day.

”Perhaps I should check in with Fifth Division again and inquire about any more info from Hueco Mundo. Hmm, there are also other personal matters I must attend to at Third Division as well…”



Vice captain Kazuki.png

Kazuki doesn't react to the cutting words of the arrogant captain, beyond a simple shake of the head. As if a adult is listening to the child and is not angry, but simply disappointed. His finger clicked against the tsuba of his zanpakuto, ready to draw, but not engage unless needed to. His passive reikaku being to sense the speculators and deeming them to not be a current threat as long as they remain bystanders. All except for maybe the lieutenant of the 11th, who may jump to his captain's aide. His lieutenant insignia visible on his arm as he stood by the other two strangers. Though judging from the arrogance of Captain Date, he believes he can take them both.

”How quaint and cute, you know how to repeat the words and insults you’ve heard from another. And like a toddler you have no idea what it is you are repeating, just spouting back words without a single thought going through your rotted brain to learn. I have no interest in fighting Rukongai scum. What you call fighting I call flailing. It is Kurogane who wishes to meet your Zanpakuto, it is a quarrel between them, not us. Learn the difference.”

"Your words will be taken into account, your wisdom offered will not be forgotten. This Rukongai scum is capable of learning, though forgive my rotted brain, it falters occasionally. However, whatever excuse you brew, captain Date, fact remains that your blade will cross with ours."

He will now fully turn to face the captain, not stepping closer, but ever watchful. He sighs in annoyance as the barrier started to be formed by one of the strangers, only interrupted by someone of the kido corps. Chaos was forming around the barracks of the 10th and this did not please Kazuki. The amount of paperwork he will have to do after this, the explanations and head-bowing to be done to the higher ups. What a headache this is and further will be.
“Kazuki, as long as you’re my Lieutenant, you never back down from a challenge. This was inevitable. Besides, how often would you get an opportunity like this?”.

Kazuki rubbed the temple of his forehead and shook his head in defeat.

"As you wish, Captain Izanagi. Our division will not suffer these insults, though the higher ups will not be pleased."

He drew his Zanpakuto and took a traditional Waki no Gamae with the blade to the side. Listening as Date explained the rules of the bout. His ego present at front as the vile voice whisped from his lips.

”How cruel you must be to your Zanpakuto to not follow through on their whims and wishes. To deny them so often of the things they want, to not listen to them. I would expect nothing less of cogs not born under the proper governance of the Seireitei."

"It is you who is cruel. A Zanpakuto is not a tool nor a nusance, not even a seperate entity. You are partners, you are one and the same. It is a contract deeper than words and thicker than blood. You do not act on each others whims at the expanse of the other, it is a compromise. So with these facts in mind, it only proves two things depending on your bond with your zanpakuto. If it is strong, then it is not just a fight with your zanpakuto, but you as well despite your words of dismissal. If it is weak, you are doing this to merely muzzle your zanpakuto's plee's for combat, your look of annoyance says as much. Though these are merely speculations, do with them as you wish."

Kazuki spoke from experience and the heart. Most likely unlike Date, he had Kyoki Chizuki ever since he was child. The Asuchi before becoming Zanpakuto taken from the corpse of his savior. Making him possess a weapon of the shinigami long before than most in the corps. The years of desperate survival creating one of the strongest bonds between Shinigami and Zanpakuto. One that thought as one and never had interests that conflicted one another, whims that irratated one another. Understanding each other's position and needs and acting as needed. Kyoki still manifested will almost claw at her master's Shihakusho as she glared at Date and his Zanpakuto.

"Poor master that cannot control his Zanpakuto or work with her. Poor Zanpakuto that irratates her master and acts one whims that inconvince him. The two are a couple that argue and fight, like oil and water. Disgusting and toxic bond those two have, not like us Kazuki, not like us."

His eyes easily follow the moves of the captain, starting with a obvious and traditional faint that all beginners of Zanjutsu learn. One that can followed with a multitude of strikes after being deflected or blocked. Yet as he observes the combat, he notices that the captain is barely at the helm. Something that would be familiar to Kazuki, the zanpakuto taking control, a concept he knows well. As the battle would progress, Date's or rather Kurogane's moves will become more and more visible and telegraphed. His passive Reikaku already dissecting everything his eyes were drinking in. Yet Date's last words will echo in his mind as he thought of a last reply before preparing to engage in combat.

"Now, Cog Captain, it seems your Lieutenant would rather talk than act, a foolish notion, one that will cost him his life one day.”

"It is you who is the captain of cogs, turning the eleventh into pieces to be disposed when they lose value in your eyes. Captain Izanagi is a captain of wolves: United, loyal and strong to even death itself! Cogs... that is a foolish notion, rigid and inflexible, always failing... because you expect them to."
Last edited:


New member
While erecting the barrier around the boundaries of the 10th division barracks, his mind wandered into a temporary daydream. The sounds of nature briefly entertained him as he drowned out everything around him admiring the beautiful clear sky. His mind returned to the commotion of the 10th division still underway, and ah yes how could he forget the reluctant Kido Corps member on some mission that didn't interest Michiya nor did he plan on letting himself be detained for misinformation on whatever incident he thought had taken place. Nonetheless, his curiosity about what he thought they knew peaked intrigue in him, and felt it was his duty to correct whatever it was they speculated about. To Michiya someone who surrounded himself with data and countless information, nothing was more unforgivable than acting without proper details no matter what the case may be.

"I calculated there was about roughly 5% chance you would attempt something like this. I guess it can't be helped it's part of the base code of nature for people to try to act when they think someone is most vulnerable, but I must admit despite knowing it is still quite disappointing."

The small sign of disappointment on his face is easily evident with him showing no care to hide what it was he felt or thought at the moment. What entertained him the most out of all this was someone he expected to tamper with forbidden kido, and aware he was getting followed by this easy-to-capture. He couldn't help but feel insulted by such notions from a member of the unit he held in such high regard. The realization to bold kido corps member also soon comes to the same realization that the results and outcome he wished to accomplish were not going to be as simple as he predicted. With why the barrier around the 10th division decided to be erected so slowly expecting him to try something, but remained hopeful they could just settle things without the theatrics. As Elk confidently perceived Michiya was left in a vulnerable state erecting the barrier when the spell formed collapsing inward on him before it could even get close to touching him finding itself clashing with a barrier instead. The exact second the spell clashed with the barrier streaking of kido trailed in the air from a single 360-degree swipe of the hand with Hanki channeled through it negating the beams of light that attempted to bind him, as he shunpo down beside Elk casually halting the bandages from teleporting them away to clear up things.

"If you wished for me to accompany you could have saved us all time, and just asked. As for my dealings with what you think has happened, I am no child dealing with something like a toy. The practice of such kido is permitted, but as agreed upon by Central 46 I will not use it without their say. However, if something is going on it might be wise to meet up with the one who sent you so we can share information."

He let out a small breath of sadness continuing to remain observant of the happenings in the 10th division with the sole reason why he was so adamant to stick around. While what he expected to go down was far from what he played up in his head, one who dedicated a lot of time to the studies and research of the Zanpakuto he appreciated the two shared insights. However, the Lieutenant made a small miscalculation on two things. Again the irk of allowing it go uncorrected scratched at the back of his head as he flung the cloth to surround the two once again to head to where he attended to bring them with the kido.

"You are wrong and right Lieutenant, a Zanpakuto is a part of us but they are their own being. They have their desires, wants, ambitions, and personalities that can even be opposites of the shinigami. Every relationship differs as no bond in this world is the same."

One of the few times when Michiya spoke so openly without discomfort came to his passions in the world, the things that motivated him. He was well aware that his words might fall on deaf ears or they just be left in wonder who the hell that person was. However. the latter may have been the case as he got caught off md-apology for the interruption and intrusion only managing to say "I apol-" before the cloth fully encircled them. And with the two departure, Michiya let the barrier crumble into fragments dispersing.

----To Kido Corps; Southeast Thingy---​
Silence, confusion, silence and confusion. The masked one had said his peace, inviting Captain to make the first move. Before they could cross blades against each other, the echoes of Kazuki and Captain Date’s words rang out. A quarrelsome duo they are, and given time they could be at things all day. It was obvious that their philosophies differed and quite frankly there wasn’t anything wrong with that. To Izanagi, Date was as obnoxious as they come, a man filled with arrogance. And perhaps he’s earned the right to be that way. Afterall, he is a captain of the Gotei squads. Izanagi could easily throw insults and allow himself to be riled up. Fortunately he prides himself on being in control of the various situations he finds himself in. And this was no different. Admittedly he was disappointed in his fellow Captain’s actions. It lacked any real purpose that could be deemed beneficial to both. Maybe that was the point, Date doesn’t seem the type to care about what benefits others.

This is why he was silent, he held back on his words, choosing instead to pay close attention to what was happening around them. The antics of the trio on the fringes was duly noted. Captain Date’s words and movements were monitored with a great deal of curiosity. At the point of Captain Date taking on a kendo stance, Izanagi held his own blade with both hands. He too took on a kendo stance looking to oblige the man. He was more curious about whatever it is Captain Date was looking to accomplish. The mask now had a grin drawn across its surface. One that appeared following the last of Kazuki’s words. Having listened to the rules laid out by Date, Izanagi did not trust a word. And as much as he will go along with the little spar, he was ever weary. He couldn’t afford not to be as Captain Date failed to gain his trust. Up stepped the Captain and so Izanagi responded in kind. His Zanpakuto moves to intercept that of Captain Date’s. Sparks flew as the blades met one another, meanwhile Izanagi continued on, allowing Kisshouten to have her moment. His blade guided by her will and after each clash, Izanagi could hear a low growl.

“What is this?”.

Kisshouten quizzed after the first strike, a little disgusted by it all. One would think that she wasn’t paying attention to what was happening. It's more so the fact that Izanagi actually agreed to entertain Captain Date.

“Let's call it Zanpakutos having a high five?”.

The masked one replied, ever so jovial when it comes to Kisshouten. In truth, Izanagi didn’t know how to describe the situation. It was a little unorthodox for something like this to happen. Izanagi was desperate to see the results of it all. Would he be satisfied at the end of it or would he be left with even more questions? There was also the possibility of an actual fight breaking out between himself and the captain.

“Now who’s being a cunt? You would reward insults with favour and another to encroach upon us? Ridiculous! Hmp!”.

Kisshouten wasn’t yet sure what to make of the situation. Aggrieved by Izanagi’s handling of the situation and even though he had his reasons. It was her protective nature that was against Captain Date and by extension Kurogane. Perhaps both Zanpakuto spirits will find some common ground. The black blade with its silver edge moved with speed and precision, mirroring the movements of Kurogane.

At this point, he knew better than to argue with Kisshouten. He would have to let it be and let her have the last word. Besides, Captain Date was still in his presence. “I’d prefer it if we wrapped this up sooner rather than later. Like you, I have other things to attend to”. He said in response to Captain Date regarding his visit to the 5th division. The work just never stops and their current bout was only preventing Izanagi from doing what he really wanted to.


Staff member

To say Lieutenant Kazuki’s words were going in one ear and out the other would imply that Taro was listening or hearing him to begin with. Having not drawn his blade to enter the fray Taro has elected to ignore his presence entirely. His words, his lecture towards Taro, would go unheard entirely as the Captain of Eleventh Division had his mind elsewhere. What snapped him out of his thoughts were Captain Izanagi’s words. They were not necessarily being listened to more so that he heard his voice, like hearing a random noise that snags your attention briefly but not treating it with the utmost importance. Taro raises a brow at the masked man, confused about what he is saying to him.

”Huh? You were talking to me just now?”

He turns to see if there was anyone behind him only to catch a glimpse of two Shinigami being whisked away by Sentan Hakuja, he then looks up towards his own Lieutenant who was still too far away to be in earshot of what Captain Izanagi was saying. His head turns back to look at him, that same ever present smile on his face as he does not reengage with Jushiro again, keeping distance between himself and the stoic Captain. Kurogane seemed satisfied though she would not express any of her thoughts on the Captain’s Zanpakuto. She could tell better than anyone that Taro’s mood was shifting and he was no longer invested in his visit to this Division. He sheaths his blade and turns to leave without even so much as a “goodbye” or a “nice to have met you”. He had long since ceased acknowledging their existence the moment he let Kurogane take the reigns. This was no assessment of their skill or fighting power and as he said he was just following through on the whim of his Zanpakuto, nothing more. Once he is close enough to his Lieutenant, Yūrei Tsukikage, he looks towards him and speaks.

”Lieutenant! We will be heading to 5th Division to-”

He halts his words as a horrid buzzing cuts through the air like blades. He holds out his hand for a Black Cicada to land on his palm. Taro glances at it for a moment before it flies off, its wings beating through the air once more. Unknown to all who are present this was a Jigoku kuishinbō, a creature specially bred by his clan, specifically by his relative, Kishō Date. His gaze changes, looking towards the direction of the Third Division. He stares for a bit longer as a vein slowly bulges out from his forehead. He continues to smile but anyone would be able to understand that for a vein to do that the person must be experiencing extreme anger. He glances back towards his Lieutenant again.

”Nevermind, we are going to Third Division then after that we will be taking a little trip to the Rukongai. I just received some rather interesting news. And ignore my smile, I am actually quite livid at the moment. Do try not to annoy me.”

He draws his blade partially from its sheath and speaks its release phrase.

”Drown the world in truth, Kurogane.”

Black ink bubbles on the surface of the blade and then extends outward from it. It coalesses in front of Taro and shapes itself into a large Koi Fish made of ink. Taro hops onto it and sits on its head as it begins to rise up into the sky. Something has him very upset and Kurogane realizes it as she speeds off in the direction of the Third Division, with all haste. Lieutenant Tsukikage would be left to use his Shunpo to reach Third Division, a trivial task for him. With Taro being the type to move on his own and not worry about tagalongs it would be up to Lieutenant Tsukikage if he wished to follow his Captain now or antagonize Tenth Division a bit more. It is also why Taro laid out the scope of his travels to his Lieutenant, so he would know where to look if he needed to find him.

To Northwest Seireitei: Third Division
The exchange was brief, a most short lived experience which left more questions than answers. What was the purpose of all this? To Izanagi their time together was insignificant, and at the same time he will remember it. With all that was going on, the masked man was relieved when it ended. And as Captain Date sheathed his Zanpakuto, so too did Izanagi. Like he said earlier, he had things that he needed to do. And all Captain Date was doing was simply waylaying the man. Unlike most, Izanagi did not have the luxury of hanging around. He’d hoped that the visitor was there to be a little more serious. Instead, he was faced with a lot of unnecessary commotion. He did enjoy calling the man a cunt though. The words flowed as easily as breathing for him.

It was justified and just about anyone who had any interaction with Captain Date would agree. Izanagi sighed as the man turned to leave, prompting the masked one to look towards his Lieutenant. The mask was now clear, a blank canvas with nothing to remark or react to. The silver haired Captain shook his head and chuckled. Izanagi observed Captain Date and his Lieutenant until they left the area. A giant fish flying being used for transportation wasn’t your everyday occurrence. This was probably normal for Captain Date.

“Well that was weird. Kazuki, I’ll be leaving for a while and while I’m gone you’ll be in charge of squad ten”. Izanagi jumped straight into things, not wanting to delay things any longer. Over the months past, both men were able to get the tenth division up to par. It is a well oiled machine now which doesn't require too much work to keep it going. As such Kazuki should have no problem managing things.

“I’m heading deep into the Rukongai districts and away from prying eyes and ears. At our current level, I feel we would fail miserably at protecting both the world of the living and the Soul Society. It's not been said yet, however, we should look to take on the responsibilities of the fifth and thirteenth divisions as our own. We’ve been supporting in Karakura town and as Captain Date stated. Things in Hueco Mundo have been eerily quiet. It's all too suspicious, it's like the calm before the storm. And oh what a storm it might turn out to be. Phase one was preparing the tenth division. Phase two is now in full effect. The weak have no business fucking with the strong. And strength with a mixture of cunning will be the thing that gets us through this. That’s enough from me for now, you get the point, right?”.

Captain Jushiro turned and started walking back into the barracks to gather his things. “I’m off now, if you’re in desperate need of my assistance, then send a hell butterfly, call or use that kido spell. You know the one, right? Bye for now”. He didn’t speak another word, nor did he wait for any confirmation. This wasn’t a discussion after all. Izanagi vanished from sight, before long he was at his own quarters. His things are packed, food, tea, clothing and other essentials. Once he was fully satisfied, Izanagi proceeded to leave the tenth division barracks. It was time to grind.

Exit >>> To The Rukongai


New member



Yurei was often, forgotten about, he liked that. He stood in the shadow of a wall, ignoring the two shinigami behind and in a tree, almost ignoring squad ten and their leadership. He waited until Captain Date and his zanpakuto's business was concluded, without even an audible breath, Yurei stood on as they spun words together to try and prove their logic was better than Date's, The got little reaction from Captain Date, they didn't understand the man well enough or at all, to allow words tog et to him. This also prompted zero reaction from Yurei.

As the exchange ended, Captain Date walked a few steps toward Yurei, briefing him on his next move. Then, in typical fashion, he exited the area alone. Yurei stood there in the shadows, his face not changing expression a single time. He stared forward, watching the two Shinigami from the Tenth Division as they started to contemplate what all that was about. They would never understand, so it was useless to try to figure out an Enigma-like Date for them. Shinigami who held onto the prospect of change and hope for the weak was adorable but disgusting. It brought about the destruction of strength itself and broke the foundations of order and law to allow people to have hope in being weak.

it was truly... " Disgusting... "

Yurei said as the Captain of the Tenth Division finished speaking to his Lieutenant and started heading out as if Yurei was no longer there. Taking a mental note of what was said, Yurei would leave the area the same way he entered. Vanishing with his Shuinpo towards the Northwest of the Seireitei, following the shadow of Captain Date.


Location: Southwest Seireitei- 10th Division Barracks → Northwest Seireitei: Third Division
Posting Order: Tarō Date → Yūrei Tsukikage →



Vice captain Kazuki.png

Kazuki did not merit Captain Date anymore response or reaction, the cunt as so elegantly put by his captain didn't deserve as much. Saying everything that he wanted to say and that needed to be said. At that time the shinigami from the 12th will shout towards Kazuki:

"You are wrong and right Lieutenant, a Zanpakuto is a part of us but they are their own being. They have their desires, wants, ambitions, and personalities that can even be opposites of the shinigami. Every relationship differs as no bond in this world is the same."

Kazuki didn't turn his head to respond as his focus was on the captains. Not that it mattered as through his reikoku, he would feel both strangers vanish from the barracks with not a trail or trace to follow. He was happy to debate with the shinigami if they were ever meet again. As the relationship of Shinigami and their zanpakutos was always a interesting topic to pursue and explore. Yet after the two vanished, it was clear to see that the fight has already stopped. Sighing in annoyance, he sheathed his blade and now had his gaze fully glued onto both Captain and Lieutenant of the 11th division. He wasn't as invisible as he believed to himself to be or to be ignored as both their presense was already a eyesore. Depsite this being their first encounter. He observed as Date was about to speak, before a black cicada landed on his shoulder, a unusual creature that Kazuki has never seen before. No one else seemed to elicit a response or reaction as Date's expression changed. Was that bug similar to a Jigokuchō, there was nothing in Shinigami reports about it? Or was it like his wolf, a special creature of his clan? Whatever it was, it was worth investigating as things not registered with shinigami regulations was either of merit or trouble, maybe the 12th will know something about it. Not elicting a reaction, he watched as Captain Date announced that he changed his course from the 5th to the 3rd division.

Watching as he activated his Shikai and flew off on his Ink koi fish. His shoulders easing tension as the bastard left, but not before leaving a foul taste in Kazuki's mouth. A man like that as captain, did not sit well for him. For one that preached that all are cogs that must be useful or be replaced, he seemed to break his own rules. Going to other divisions and barking orders at them was outside of his juristiction, eliciting a unsanctioned duel between captains, disturbing the duties of another division, this will all be written in his paperwork. He was about to turn to handle the training of the troops until...

“Well that was weird. Kazuki, I’ll be leaving for a while and while I’m gone you’ll be in charge of squad ten”

Kazuki didn't reaction, waving his hand nonchantly as that was to be expected. As Captain and Lieutenant, they shared responsibilities. Beside it was not the first time Captain Izanagi has left for business of his own whims. Then the next words made him mentally facepalm, especially of it all being said in front of the 11th division Lieutenant.

"Next time captain... tell your plans and thoughts in private please. If anything comes up, I will inform you, but like always I'll be fine."

For a moment he will stop and glare directly at Yurei. Even before he uttered the word of Disgusting from his lips, a expression upon his face. As if saying, "oh you're still here. what do you want?" Yet he didn't do anything and just left. To where Kazuki wasn't sure, but to his captain most likely. After Izanagi left for the Rukongai, Kazuki wrote a letter and gave it to one of the seated officers. Including his wareabouts and what his commands are while he is gone. He was thinking about sending one to captain Izanagi, but less information passed around the better. Then using his shunpo he will leave and head for the thirteenth division. To warn them of Date's eventual arrival and to slowly foster a bond. Date's ego and control over other divisions still irked Kazuki, acting as if he was the captain-commander. So to counter his control, his dominion the true captains and lieutanants must be united. The captainless divisions must be protected, to project true unity to uphold the peace and balance of seireitei, rukongai and the human world. After the thirteenth, he may go to the third after Captain Date has left and then the fifth. Maybe even the rukongai, something was stirring and he didn't like it.

To Northwest Seireitei: Thirteenth Division


Vice captain Kazuki.png

Silence, before a ring of dust appeared in the courtyard of the 10th barracks. Pushing outwards with Kazuki standing in the middle, a grimace drawn upon his usual stotic face. He just returned from the 3rd squad's barrack, skipping a visit to the 13th. Though a certain good boy will deliver a message, warning the 13th division of captain Date's arrival. They were instructed to receive him and keep in contact with Kazuki of his actions.

Meanwhile Kazuki returned to his office and started on the paperwork concerning the 10th division. Before settling upon the paperwork for captain Date's misdeeds and blatant rule breaking. Yet once he finished, he paused and rested his hand on the stack of papers. Was it the right time to do this or was more evidence required? Doing this will put a target on his back and the squad he served under. More so it will put a target on all captainless squads Date thought he held dominion over... no it was not yet time. He was only a mere lieutenant from a diminished clan against a captain of a noble clan. For now the files will stay hidden and he will gather allies and form Alliances. The seireitei is in shambles, a shadow of it’s former self. Especially after the death of so many Captains and shinigami, the civil war that shouldn't have happened. What the seireitei needed now was not the necessary evil with a ego, but neutral protector that does want is best for all without prejudice.

At the time of finishing his paperwork, he would hear at knock at his door.

"Sazanami sir, shinigami from 3rd squad have arrived for the joint training session."

"I will be out to address them soon, get everyone ready."

The shinigami bowed and left Kazuki once more to his thoughts. Sighing, he pulled out his zanpakuto and sliced his palm.

"Lament thy night, mourn thy soul, Kyoki Chizuki."

The shikai will form as he created a pool blood beneath his feet. Taking the pile of paper and dumping it into the pool, the contents slowly sinking in the pool of reiatsu. Then just as quickly the shikai was dismissed, the pool of reiatsu along with the papers were gone. Now the question of whether it could be retrieved is another story, but his tracks were at least covered. Then calmly he walked out to stand before both shinigami of the 10th and 3rd.

"Thank you all for gathering tonight. Please, I expect all shinigami of the 10th to make our brothers and sisters of the third feel welcome within our barracks. We have suffered immense losses, felt grief like no other, but to not let those who fallen fade away into obscurity. We must keep on and immortalize the fallen through our actions, the actions of those left behind, us who live on. Today I expect you all to give it your all in this training. Us keepers of peace and balance, we wolves united, hold nothing back!"


All the shinigami shouted with roaring passion as they instantly broke into pairs. The sound of sparring overwhelmingly filling the courtyard of the 10th barracks. Especially the member of the 3rd as their was fire lit within them. The words back at their barracks still stoking the embers of their frustration and rage. At losing their captain and not even being able to defend his memorial/legacy from being defaced and desecrated. Kazuki stood there as one of the seat officers approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Kazuki looked at him and gave a subtle nod. Continuing to oversee the training as a thought came to him. He was content being a lieutenant to a wonderful division, but now he felt something more calling to him. Many divisions were captainless, they needed exceptional shinigami leading them... what if.... no no that would be presumptuous of him. Yet...... what if...
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